Overview Next training

Duration 1 day
Time from 09h00 - 12h00 & 13h00 - 17h00

Our teachers for the training: Data Governance & Data Steward Foundations





This course teaches you how to get started with Data Governance & Data Stewardship. It serves as an excellent primer for future Data Stewards or anyone involved in a Data Governance implementation.

Are you a Data (Governance) manager, CDO, or somehow involved in implementing Data Governance?

  • Having a difficult time getting buy-in from the organization?
  • Looking to train your Data Stewards?
  • Want to learn how Data Governance can give your company a competitive, data-driven edge?
  • Need an experience-driven, practical guide to Data Governance with many real-life examples?
  • Want to start with Data Governance (or a Data Catalog) due to regulatory constraints?

Our partner for this training is Data Trust Associates, a data management firm with deep expertise in guiding and implementing Data Management and Data Compliance projects. 

Main benefits 

  • Get access to our tried-and-tested Data Governance methodology, applied in a variety of organizations
  • Get the entire organisation on board your Data Governance program
  • Identify the common pitfalls of Data Governance and how to prevent them
  • Get ahead of regulatory constraints by getting the foundations right
  • Learn how to generate quick wins with Data use cases

Book A Call

Get on a short call with the trainer to discuss in-company course content, pricing and specific needs. 

Schedule Now 

Reserve your seat for the upcoming online course.

What to expect 

Learning goals
  • Get acquainted with our tried-and-tested Data Governance methodology, applied in a variety of organizations
  • What Data Governance is and why it exists
  • Why Data Governance (DG) and Data Catalogs (DC) are crucial for organizations of the future
  • How DG and DC contribute value to the business through use cases
  • How DG compares to other Data Management practices, IT solutions, and business processes
  • A high-level understanding of DG and DC-related methods, organization, technology, roles, and data processes
  • Why metadata and metamodels are essential and what you can do with them (e.g., access, implementation, and seeing the big picture)
  • The basics of Data Architecture and how they affect DG and DC
  • A snapshot of the different tools, their differences, and when to apply them
  • How to apply DG with a practical use case
  • A quality buffet lunch, snacks, coffee and drinks
  • A booklet of course material handouts
  • A cheat sheet with a proven Data Governance methodology
  • Exercises to work on during and after the class


This training is given by Christoph Balduck, a long-time DPI teacher and a co-founder and partner of Data Trust Associates.

Christoph has over a decade of experience overseeing the implementation of medium to large-sized Data Governance and Data Compliance projects.

In giving this course, he hopes to spare you from making mistakes often seen in Data Governance programs.

Target Group 

This course aims to get your company on the same page toward a data-driven organization of the future. In principle, no prerequisite knowledge is required.

Typical profiles include:

  • Key users & data workers
  • Head of IT/Data (CIO, CDO)
  • C-level stakeholders
  • Data professionals (Data Architect, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, BI Developer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning expert)

Are you part of a business team, or do you have business-related duties?

This course is especially for you. It’s your chance to up your game on Data and maximize career and company gains.

What will the course look like? 


We recommend the in-company formula for most organizations looking to set up a Data Governance team or appoint several Data Stewards. We assess your needs during in-company training and tailor the training to your goals.

Book A Call

Get on a short call with the trainer to discuss in-company course content, pricing, and specific needs. 

Live in-group

We recommend our in-group training for organizations still in the discovery phase or individuals wanting to up their Data Governance knowledge for career gains.

The group size is kept to 20 people simultaneously for maximal interactivity and to allow for many questions.

Schedule Now 

Reserve your seat for the upcoming online course.

Day 1


  • Introduction to data governance – what is it, and why is it useful? Practical examples will help drive the message home.
  • Putting it into context: the rationale behind why organizations need data governance and data catalogs
  • Looking at use cases to understand how data governance and data catalogs represent value and how they differ from other data management approaches.


  • Introduction to our proven data governance method*, from data strategy to complex data governance use cases.
  • What’s it all about? Using the method to gain a high-level understanding of data governance and data catalog-related methods, organization, technology, roles, and architecture – Part 1


  • What’s it all about? Using the method to gain a high-level understanding of data governance and data catalog-related methods, organization, technology, roles, and architecture – Part 2


  • Getting to the bottom of why metadata and metamodels are essential and how to use them
  • What are the data architecture basics? How do they impact data governance & data catalogs?
  • Taking a look at the different data governance tools, their differences, and when to apply them. (With the data governance method as a framework of understanding)




VAT exclusive

Lunch, coffee, refreshments and course material included.

SME portfolio Flanders - higher subsidy for theme CYBERSECURITY: 45% for small and 35% for medium-sized enterprises.

Register now

Book a Call
  • “In order to promote data-driven work in Sint-Niklaas, we organized the training courses ‘Solving Business Problems with Data’ and ‘Data Governance’ together with Data Trust Associates. Colleagues from various domains took part and were enthusiastically taken on board. A first result is that we have defined roles and responsibilities within our organization.”

    City of Sint-Niklaas

We are recognized by:

  • Registration number KMO portefeuille: DV.O213013

    Our courses are accredited for the KMO-portefeuille. This means that, depending on whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise, you can receive a 30% or 20% subsidy from the Flemish Government on the cost of registration.

  • Acknowledgement by Chèque-Formation

    The training voucher allows you to benefit from financial aid to train your workers in one of the approved training centres. Worth 30 euros, it corresponds to 1 hour of training per worker.

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