Stay Tuned as Security Leader (CISO) freeseat registration

Stay informed as a Security Leader with our “Stay Tuned as Security Leader” program

For Security Leaders and CISOs, keeping up with the latest advancements in IT security is essential. DPI offers the ideal solution with the “Stay Tuned as Security Leader” subscription.

This subscription provides you with four intensive training days throughout the year, each quarter focusing on two current IT security topics.

What to expect:

The “Stay Tuned” sessions are led by expert trainers, carefully selected for their expertise and teaching skills. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and develop practical skills.

On February 14th we will welcome our next experts in Brussels:

  • Strategic Challenges of GenAI, Jens Meijen, Founder Umaniq
  • NIS2 Update,Valéry Vander Geeten, Head of Legal CCB
  • Impact of Business model Transformations on Security Architecture, Sheryar Malik, Director INNOCOM

Want to discover the Stay Tuned Program? Register for a *Free Seat!

Inschrijving Stay Tuned As CISO
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*only eligible for one session.